The Anneliese Garden is BOOMING with goodies right now. Sam, one of our wonderful garden teachers, found surprise onions this morning while digging in the garden and harvested them along with some beautiful tomatoes that are just becoming ripe. She brought these fresh organic veggies to the Willowbrook Kitchen so they can be used in school lunches this week! Looks like the perfect combination of ingredients for a tasty salsa or tomato sauce!
Nutrition Tips:
Onions are an excellent source of vitamin C, which protects and builds the immune system. Onions also contain a significant amount of manganese, a mineral that is essential for energy metabolism and the functioning of the heart.
Tomatoes have high levels of vitamin A, C, K, chromium, and folate, all of which have specific roles in the body, including skin protection, immune stimulation, and blood sugar regulation, to name a few. Additionally, tomatoes boast a special compound called lycopene, a cancer fighting agent that also reduces the risk of osteoporosis through the improvement of bone mass.